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Vincent Crozet’s PhD thesis defence
15 11 2019 @ 14 h 00 min
Vincent Crozet will publicly defend his PhD thesis entitled :
Étude de l’entrechoquement entre bâtiments au cours d’un séisme
Friday 15 November 2019 at 2pm
Amphithéâtre 34 de la Maison de la Simulation,
Bâtiment 565 – Digiteo, CEA Salcay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
This thesis studies the problem of pounding between adjacent buildings during an earthquake and possibilities to suppress this phenomenon using a link to connect the buildings. Contrary to most of previous studies that focus on the consequences of the impact on the structures’ acceleration spikes and forces, this work examines also the potential effects of pounding on the equipment response through the study of floor response spectra. The consequences of the impacts on the structures’ responses are examined by means of experimental tests as well as simulations. First, an experimental campaign was carried out to highlight the effects of pounding. Pounding phenomenon was reproduced on two models of buildings mounted on a shake table. This experimental campaign as well as its numerical simulation enable us to analyze the effects of pounding and evaluate the ability of numerical models to represent these effects. This work also studies pounding in the general case of two adjacent buildings. To this end, a sensitivity analysis was carried out in order determine the most influent parameters on the two aforementioned consequences of pounding (the amplification of the structures’ forces and the modification of the floor response spectra). Finally, the ability to suppress pounding using a link between two adjacent buildings was studied. Two passive viscoelastic links and an active link were used to connect the structures.
Composition of the jury
Michaël Brun, Maître de conférences (HDR), INSA Lyon – “Rapporteur”
Nicos Makris, Professeur, Southern Methodist University – “Rapporteur”
Stéphane Grange, Professeur, INSA Lyon – “Examinateur”
Frédéric Ragueneau, Professeur, ENS Paris-Saclay – “Examinateur”
Jean-François Semblat, Professeur, ENSTA Paris – “Examinateur”
Ioannis Politopoulos, Ingénieur chercheur (HDR), CEA Saclay – “Directeur de thèse”
Kim Pham, Maître de conférences, ENSTA Paris – “Encadrant de thèse”