
Peer review journal articles


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  • B.Richard; F.Voldoire; M.Fontan; J.Mazars; T.Chaudat; N.Bonfils | February 2018 | SMART 2013: lessons learnt from the International Benchmark about the seismic margin assessment of nuclear RC buildings | Engineering Structures | 161 | 207-222 |
  • I.Rapti, F.Lopez-Caballero, A.Modaressi, A.Foucault, F.Voldoire | October 2018 | Liquefaction analysis and damage evaluation of embankment-type structures | Acta Geotechnica | 13 | 1041-1059 |
  • F.Gatti, S.Touhami, F.Lopez-Caballero, R.Paolucci, D.Clouteau, V.Alves-Fernandes, M.Kham, F.Voldoire | September 2018 | Broad-band 3-D earthquake simulation at nuclear site by an all-embracing source-to-structure approach | Soil Dyna. Earthq. Eng. | 115 | 263-280 |



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  • C.Berge-Thierry, F.Voldoire et al. | November 2017 | Toward an integrated seismic risk assessment for nuclear safety improving current French methodologies through the SINAPS@ research project | Nuclear Eng. & Design | 323 | 185-201 |



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  • B.Richard; S.Cherubini; F.Voldoire; P.-E.Charbonnel; T.Chaudat; S.Abouri; N.Bonfils | 15 February 2016 | SMART 2013: experimental and numerical assessment of the dynamic behavior by shaking table tests of an asymmetrical reinforced concrete structure subjected to high intensity ground motions | Engineering Structures | 109 | 99-116 |
  • B.Richard; P.Martinelli; F.Voldoire; T.Chaudat; S.Abouri; N.Bonfils | 1st January 2016 | SMART 2008: Overview, synthesis and lessons learnt from the International Benchmark | Engineering Structures | 106 | 166-178 |
  • I.Rapti; A. Modaressi; A.Foucault; F.Lopez-Caballero; F.Voldoire | July 2016 | Coupled S-P wave propagation in nonlinear regularized micromorphic media | Computers and Geotechnics | 77 | 106-114 |



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  • B.Richard; P.Martinelli; F.Voldoire; M.Corus; T.Chaudat; S.Abouri; N.Bonfils | 15 December 2015 | SMART 2008: shaking table tests on an asymmetrical reinforced concrete structure and seismic margins assessment | Engineering Structures | 105 | 48-61 |
  • Ch.Combescure, H.Dumontet, F. Voldoire | November 2015 | Dissipative Homogenised Reinforced Concrete (DHRC) constitutive model dedicated to reinforced concrete plates under seismic loading | International Journal of Solids and Structures | 73-74 | 78-98 |
  • Wijesundara K., C. Negulescu, E. Foerster, Estimation of Modal Properties of Low-Rise Buildings Using Ambient Excitation Measurements, Shock and Vibration, 2015.
  • Politopoulos I., I. Sergis, F. Wang, Floor Response Spectra of Embedded Seismically Isolated Structures, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 78:213-217, 2015.
  • Combescure C., H. Dumontet, F. Voldoire, Dissipative Homogenised Reinforced Concrete (DHRC) constitutive model dedicated to reinforced concrete plates under seismic loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures, n° 73-74: 78-98, 2015.
  • Vassaux M., B. Richard, F. Ragueneau, A. Millard, Regularised crack behaviour effects on continuum modelling of quasi-brittle materials under cyclic loading, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.09.0402015.
  • Yakut, A. Le Maoult, B. Richard, G. Atanasiu, F. Ragueneau, S. Scheer, S. Diler, Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering, in “EU SERIES Concluding Workshop”, F. Taucer & R. Apostolska eds., DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10136-1, 2015.
  • Stamatopoulos A., F. Lopez-Caballero, A. Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, The effect of preloading on the liquefaction cyclic strength of mixtures of sand and silt, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 78(1): 189-200, 2015.
  • Montoya-Noguera S., F. Lopez-Caballero, Numerical modeling of discrete spatial heterogeneity in seismic risk analysis: application to treated ground soil foundation, Georisk, DOI 10.1080/17499518.2015.1058957,1–17, 2015.
  • Limoge-Schraen C., C. Giry, C. Desprez & F. Ragueneau, Toward a large scale seismic assessment method for heritage building: Vulnerability of masonry baroque churches, European Journal for Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2015
  • Richard B., N. Ile, A. Frau, A. Ma, O. Loiseau, C. Giry & F. Ragueneau, Experimental and numerical study of a half-scaled reinforced concrete building equipped with thermal break components subjected to seismic loading up to severe damage state, Engineering Structures, 82, pp. 29-45, 2015
  • Vassaux M., B. Richard, F. Ragueneau & A. Millard, Lattice models applied to cyclic behavior description of quasi-brittle materials: advantages of implicit integration, Int. J. Num. & Anal. Meth. In Geomechanics, 39:7, pp. 775-798, 2015



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  • Vitse M.,  D. Neron, PA. Boucard, Virtual charts of solutions for parametrized nonlinear equations. Computational Mechanics, 54(6): 1529-1539, 2014.
  • Zentner I., E. Borgonovo, Construction of variance-based metamodels for probabilistic seismic analysis and fragility assessment, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered systems and Geohazards, 8(3): 202-216, 2014.
  • Poirion F., I. Zentner, Stochastic model construction of observed random phenomena, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 36: 63-71, 2014.
  • Cacciola P., L. D’Amico, I. Zentner, New insights in the analysis of the structural response to response-spectrum compatible accelerograms, Engineering Structures, 78: 3-16, 2014.
  • Zentner I., A procedure for simulating synthetic accelerograms compatible with correlated and conditionnal probabilistic response spectra, Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 63: 226-233, 2014.
  • Politopoulos I., Ph. Piteau, J. Antunes, L. Borsoi, Applications of hybrid time–frequency methods in nonlinear structural dynamics, Engineering Structures 68 (2014) 134–143, 2014.
  • Nguyen T.H., F. Ragueneau, D. Bahon & N. Ruaux , Macroscopic modeling of reinforced concrete joints: Applications to thermal break elements subject to earthquake loadings, Engineering Structures, 79, pp. 131-141, 2014
  • Montoya-Noguera S., F. Lopez-Caballero, Effect of coupling excess pore pressure and deformation on nonlinear seismic soil response, Acta Geotechnica, 1–17, 2015.



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  • Richard B., F. Ragueneau, Continuum damage mechanics based model for quasi brittle materials subjected to cyclic loadings: Formulation, numerical implementation and applications, Eng. Fract. Mech.98 (2013) 383–406.
  • Oliver C., Delaplace A., Ragueneau F., Richard B, Non-intrusive global/local analysis for the study of fine cracking. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 37 (2013) 973–992.
  • Crambuer R., B. Richard, N. Ile, Ragueneau F., Experimental characterization and modeling of energy dissipation in reinforced concrete beams subjected to cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, 56 (2013) 919–934.
  • Borgonovo E., I. Zentner, A. Pellegri, S. Tarantola, E. de Rocquigny, On the importance of uncertain factors in seismic fragility assessment, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 109, pp. 66–76, 2013
  • Zentner I., Simulation of non stationary conditional ground motion fields in the time domain, Georisk Vol. 7(1), 37-48, 2013.
  • Poirion F., I. Zentner, Non-Gaussian Non-stationary models for natural hazard modeling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 37(8), 5938-5950, 2013.
  • Nieto Ferro A., D. Clouteau, N. Greffet and G. Devésa, On a hybrid Laplace-time domain approach to dynamic interaction problems, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 21, Iss. 3-6.
  • Combescure C., H. Dumontet, F. Voldoire, Homogenised constitutive model coupling damage and debonding of reinforced concrete structures under cyclic sollicitations, Int. J. Solids and Structures, Online July 2013
  • Akkar S., M.A. Sandikkaya, M. Senyurt, A. Azari Sisi, B.O. Ay, P. Traversa, J. Douglas, F. Cotton, L. Luzi, B. Hernandez and S. Godey (2013), Reference database for seismic ground-motion in Europe (RESORCE), Bull. Earthquake Eng. DOI 10.1007/s10518-013-9506-8.
  • Sapkota, S.N., L. Bollinger, Y. Klinger, P. Tapponnier, Y. Gaudemer and D. Tiwari, Primary surface ruptures of the great Himalayan earthquakes in 1934 and 1255, Nature Geoscience, 6, 71-76, doi:10.1038/ngeo1669.



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  • Mertz L., C. Feau, An empirical study on plastic deformations of an elasto-plastic problem with noise, Probabilist. Eng. Mech. 30 (2012) 60–69.
  • Politopoulos I., N. Moussallam, Horizontal floor response spectra of base isolated buildings due to vertical excitation, EarthquakeEngng Struct. Dyn. 41 (2012) 587–592.
  • Richard B., L. Adelaide, C. Cremona, A. Orcesi, A methodology for robust updating of nonlinear structural models, Eng. Struct. 41(2012) 356–372
  • Richard B., Crémona C., Adelaide L., A response surface method based on support vector machines trained with an adaptive experimental design, Structural Safety, 39 (2012) 14-21.
  • Grandin, R., M.P. Doin, L. Bollinger, B. Pinel-Puyssegur, G. Ducret, R. Jolivet, S.N. Sapkota, Long-term growth of the Himalaya inferred from interseismic InSAR measurement, Geology, 40 (12), 1059-1062.
  • Girault, F., F. Perrier, A.P Gajurel, M. Bhattarai, B.P. Koirala, L. Bollinger, M. Fort and C. France-Lanord, Effective radium concentration across the Main Central Thrust in the Nepal Himalayas, Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, 98, 203-227.
  • Ader, T., J.P. Avouac, J. Liu-Zeng, H. Lyon-Caen, L. Bollinger, J. Galetzka, J. Genrich, M. Thomas, K. Chanard, S.N. Sapkota, S. Rajaure, P. Shrestha, L. Ding, M. Flouzat, Convergence rate across the Nepal Himalaya and interseismic coupling on the Main Himalayan Thrust: Implications for seismic hazard, Jour. Geophys. Res., 117, B04403, DOI: 10.1029/2011JB009071.



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