Launched in early 2006 by EDF and CEA, SMART is a four-year research programme divided into two parts:
- Several large experimental campaigns realised on a ¼ scaled model representative of a typical, simplified half part of an electric nuclear building subjected to a series of seismic excitations. These tests are carried out at CEA on the AZALÉE shaking table inside the TAMARIS facility.
- Numerical studies involving international expertise. The chosen approach is benchmarking, a kind of collaborative competition. More than 30 teams from 20 countries carry out ‘blind’ simulations, that is, without reference to the laboratory experiments. The project participants meet to compare the results of their numerical studies with the experimental results, and new information is pooled.
The aim is to improve the assement of seismic safety margins.
A short documentary on SMART 2008 research programme in french
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